Create innovative banking services with PSD2 APIs

PDS2 hero image

Account information and payments available via PSD2 APIs

PSD2 APIs provide new, exciting business opportunities for third-party software developers. Account information, payment initiation and confirmation of funds are available via modern, RESTful web APIs. OP's PSD2 APIs serve our customers in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. All this, free of charge, available to all licensed developers.

OP wants to offer developers and partners more than just the regulatory PSD2 APIs. Our premium APIs bring more features and more business opportunities. Take a look at our other Banking APIs to learn more!

API documentation


In case you need any support with our PSD2 APIs, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Production issues

During office hours, you can contact us about any production issues via email at Please provide us with the following information:

  • Date and time of the issue (including time zone)
  • Description of the issue
  • Full error response
  • authorizationId
  • clientId
  • x-fapi-interaction-id header value
  • authorization request JWT (when issue is with /oauth/authorize)

Outside office hours, please report production issues on and send the ticket number to Include the following information in the report:

  • System: "PSD2 AWS API" or "PSD2 Authorization" depending on whether the issue is with API call or with authorization
  • Service: "PSD2 Payment Initiation Service", "PSD2 Account Information Service" or "PSD2 Confirmation of Funds"

Do not include sensitive information such as client secret, API key or access token, when contacting us.

PSD2 APIs in the Baltic countries

OP's PSD2 APIs in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are operated by Enfuce.