Workflow for OP PSD2 Confirmation of Funds API

OP PSD2 Confirmation of Funds API allows Third-Party Providers to create and authorize requests regarding the availability of funds on an account.

Go to OP PSD2 CoF API documentation.

This document explains the steps Third-Party Providers need to take in order to access our OP PSD2 CoF API.

All API calls described here are made using mutually authenticated TLS.

Please note that calling PSD2 APIs with Postman is currently not supported.


Open Banking Security Profile

FAPI - FAPI Read-Only profile


OIDC Connect Core


Terminology and abbreviations

  • AISP: Account Information Service Provider
  • ASPSP: Account Servicing Payment Service Provider
  • Client App (or "Client"): an application developed by the TPP for accessing the API
  • CoF: Confirmation of Funds
  • PISP: Payment Initiation Service Provider
  • PSP: Payment Service Provider
  • PSU: Payment Service User
  • TPP: Third-Party Provider accessing the API


Before you can start using our PSD2 APIs, there are certain requirements you should meet.

Instructions for accessing the sandbox

Instructions for accessing production environment



The PSD2 Confirmation of Funds API is accessed in the following manner:

  1. End user or a representative service requests confirmation of funds.
  2. Client App authenticates with Client Credentials Flow.
  3. TPP registers intent.
  4. End user authenticates and authorizes the confirmation of funds.
  5. Client App receives an authorization code and exchanges it for an access token.
  6. TPP checks the availability of funds.

Now let's look at each of these steps one by one.

1. End user or a representative service requests confirmation of funds

The end user and/or the service they are consuming request to know whether a card has a specified amount of money available.

2. Client App authenticates with Client Credentials Flow.

To begin interacting with the Confirmation of Funds API, the client application authenticates with the Oauth Client Credentials Flow using scope fundsconfirmations. Note that any given request may only contain one scope.

The authorization request has the following format:

POST /oauth/token HTTPS/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The following cURL call can be used for completing this step. The call assumes that your current directory contains your client certificate (client.crt) and the related private key (key.pem) - Both are created by the Registration Helper App.

curl -vk --key key.pem --cert client.crt -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=fundsconfirmations&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>'

If the request is successful, the response will look like this:

  "token_type" : "bearer",
  "access_token" : "Axqx362CnSmLABgzqcBasG0pxBj9",
  "scope" : "fundsconfirmations",
  "status" : "approved",
  "expires_in" : "86399",

Save the access_token for use in the next step.

3. TPP registers intent

Now the client application is in possession of an access token. To advance, the TPP establishes mutually authenticated TLS with the host and uses the access token to make a POST call to the /authorizations endpoint. This registers the TPP's intent to access protected data.

curl -vk --key key.pem --cert client.crt \ 
-H 'x-api-key: <api_key>' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
-H 'x-fapi-financial-id: test' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"iban":"FI8659986920068681"}'

Sample response:

  "authorizationId": "94c23e43-1e43-4891-ba78-15e32cbb3egf",
  "created": "2019-10-14T10:30:49+03:00",'
  "status": "Unauthorized",
  "iban": "FI8659986920068681"

The status unauthorized signals that the intent has been created, but the end user has not yet authorized the action.

The authorizationId must be used in step 4 to identify the action being authorized.

Examine and revoke authorizations

The authorizationId can be used for examining the details of the authorization or delete it. Deleting the authorization revokes the entire authorization and cannot be reversed.

4. End user authenticates and authorizes the confirmation of funds

Authentication and authorization take place between the end user and the auth server of the account servicer. The role of the TPP is to prepare an appropriate JWT request, fill in the necessary query parameters, and perform the redirection.

4.1 Constructing the authorization request

The request is a JSON Web Token that has been signed with a QSEALC private key (or a key which emulates QSEALC) using RS256 or ES256. The corresponding public key must be made available at a registered JWKS endpoint (not required in sandbox).

Padding characters ("=") should be omitted as per (see Terminology in JSON Web Signature (JWS)).

The header and payload of the JWT request have the following structure:

  "alg": "ES256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "Vi3hb" --> This value varies per key

  "aud": "",
  "iss": "cu096Eiii4i2c5CeThpf",
  "response_type": "code id_token",
  "client_id": "cu096Eiii4i2c5CeThpf",
  "redirect_uri": "https://localhost:8181/oauth/access_token",
  "scope": "openid fundsconfirmations",
  "state": "bb16b497-097f-4528-9380-4305eb760232",
  "nonce": "76fb7d3a-3a14-4bf7-96fd-e770c3c1e33e",
  "max_age": 86400,
  "exp": 1613548257,
  "iat": 1613547357,
  "claims": {
    "userinfo": {
      "authorizationId": {
        "value": "976da7b0-1db2-410d-a5c9-e3a37bc4d7a1",
        "essential": true
    "id_token": {
      "authorizationId": {
        "value": "976da7b0-1db2-410d-a5c9-e3a37bc4d7a1",
        "essential": true
      "acr": {
        "essential": true,
        "values": [
typstringtrueType of the token. Always gets value JWT.
algstringtrueThe signing algorithm used. Possible values are RS256 and ES256.
kidstringtrueID of the signing key. A key corresponding to this value must be available at a public JWKS endpoint. If you have used the registration app in sandbox, this value is found in the field ssaSigningKid in registration-result.txt (the key is in ssa-signing-key-pem).
audstringtrueIntended audience of the JWT, i.e. the host URL of the API.
issstringtrueIssuer of the token, i.e. Client ID of the TPP.
response_typestringtrueSpecifies the type of the authorization flow. Allowed values are code and code id_token.
client_idstringtrueUnique identifier of the client application.
redirect_uristringtrueThe address to which the end user will be redirected after authentication and authorization. The access token or error descriptors will be attached to this URI as query parameters.
scopestringtrueScope names that identify the extent of the requested authorization, as a list of space-separated names. Per the OIDC specification all requests must contain the scope openid. Only one of the following scopes is allowed for each request: accounts, payments, fundsconfirmations. For CoF, the default required value is "openid fundsconfirmations".
statestringtrueA string that will be returned to the TPP. Used for validating responses and correlating requests with responses. Must only contain supported characters specified in RFC 4648 Section 5, Table 2.
noncestringtrueA unique string that is used for protecting against replay attacks. Generated by the Client App.
max_agenumbertrueMaximum allowed age for the authentication, in seconds.
expnumbertrueToken expiry timestamp
iatnumbertrueToken issued at timestamp
claimsobjecttrueContains information related to the request. The field authorizationId contains the authorizationId obtained while registering intent.
userinfoobjecttrueContains information related to the request. The field authorizationId contains the authorizationId obtained while registering intent.
id_tokenobjecttrueThe contents of this field are similar to userinfo.
acrobjtrueSpecifies the requested authorization contexts. Currently, the only allowed value is urn:openbanking:psd2:sca.

Once the body and header have been constructed, follow these steps:

  1. Base64 Url encode the header and the body separately. Append the body to the header, separating the two parts with a dot.
  2. 2. Create a signature by taking a copy of the newly created string and encrypting it with your private key (from QSEALC or emulated) using the algorithm specified in the header. This is the signature.
  3. 3. Attach the signature to the encoded header and body with a dot. You'll get something like this:

Remember to leave out padding characters ("=").

See our example code for signing JWTs. This code assumes that you have private and public jwks readily available. In sandbox, developers may use the Registration Helper App to auto-generate JWKSs.

ES256 or RS256 are allowed as signing algorithms.

import * as fs from 'fs';
import { JWKS, JWK, JWT } from 'jose';

//request is a valid pre-created JWT body
const asymmetricSign = (request: object, privateJwksPath: string) => {
  const privateJwks = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(privateJwksPath, 'utf8').toString());
  const privateJwk =  JWKS.asKeyStore(privateJwks, {calculateMissingRSAPrimes: true}).get({alg: 'RS256'});
  return JWT.sign(JSON.stringify(request), privateJwk);

You can validate the generated JWT with your public JWKS as follows:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import { JWT } from 'jose';

const publicJwks = JWKS.asKeyStore(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('path/to/publicjwks.json', 'utf8').toString()));

JWT.verify(jwt, publicJwks, {
    algorithms: ['ES256', 'RS256', 'PS256'],
    clockTolerance: '120s',
    maxTokenAge: '60s',
    complete: true,

Learn more about JWTs on Note that the JWT editor is currently incapable of processing this type of key.

4.2 Redirection

Once the request is complete, the TPP will redirect the customer to OP's auth server. The client app must append the following query parameters to the redirection URI:

  • request (the JWT request)
  • response_type
  • client_id
  • scope

The values of the parameters MUST match with those in the JWT request. Remember that all query parameters must be URL encoded.

The redirect will have the following structure:

Direct the customer to this URI in the browser.

4.3 The customer authenticates and authorizes

Authentication and authorization are the responsibility of the customer and the authorization server. The customer logs in and selects the authorizations they wish to confirm or reject.

Test credentials

The following test credentials are available in our sandbox:

UsernamePasswordKey code / mobile key

4.4 Access code and ID token

Once the auth flow is complete, the auth server performs a redirect to the URI indicated in the JWT request (provided it matches a URI registered to that application). The access token and all other related information will be appended as query parameters.


Success with ID token:


For example:

As the user returns to the TPP's application, the TPP should verify that the returning user is the same as the user who began started the authorization process. This can be achieved by inspecting the user's session ID, for example.

ID tokens are created and returned on two occasions:

  1. When using response type code id_token in the authorization request. The ID token will be delivered in a query parameter attached to the client app's redirect URI. Note that when an ID token is present, the query string is in fact an URI fragment (begins with "#" instead of "?").
  2. When requesting a token from a token endpoint and scope includes openid (in OP PSD2, always). The token will be returned in the response body to the token request.

The ID token contains information about the authorization, and provides an additional layer of security.

The ID token contains the following information:

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "12345"
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1234569795,
  "sub": "28c52f98-7541-42a2-9ca0-b86ceac47692",
  "acr": "urn:openbanking:psd2:sca",
  "authorizationId": "28c52f98-7541-42a2-9ca0-b86ceac47692,
  "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
  "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
  "exp": 1311281970,
  "s_hash": "76sa5dd",
  "c_hash": "asd097d"
  "rt_hash": "wFsWWP49hHo4sXwwVSHX-A",
  "at_hash": "bSUTLJiqrooANhJJ2X7pPw"
issstring/URIIssuer of the token.
iattimestampToken issuance time as seconds since 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z.
substringThe authorizationId to which the ID token relates to.
acrstringAuthentication Context Class Reference, i.e. the field that describes the level of authentication achieved. Currently, only urn:openbanking:psd2:sca is supported.
authorizationIdstringThe authorizationId to which the ID token relates to.
audstring/client IDIntended audience of the ID token. WIll contain the Client ID of the Client Application.
noncestringA value originally provided by the TPP in the request, used for protecting against replay attacks.
exptimestampTime of expiry, i.e. the time after which the token is no longer valid.
s_hashstring, case-sensitiveReturned with authorization code. State hash value: base64url encoding of the left-most half of the hash of the octets of the ASCII representation of the state value, where the hash algorithm used is the hash algorithm used in the algHeader Parameter of the ID Token's JOSE Header. For instance, if the alg is RS256, hash the code value with SHA-256, then take the left-most 256 bits and base64url encode them. The s_hashvalue is a case sensitive string.
c_hashstring, case-sensitiveReturned with authorization code. Code hash value: base64url encoding of the left-most half of the hash of the octets of the ASCII representation of the code value, where the hash algorithm used is the hash algorithm used in the alg Header Parameter of the ID Token's JOSE Header.
rt_hashstringReturned from token endpoint. Refresh token hash value: base64url encoding of the left-most half of the hash of the octets of the ASCII representation of the refresh_token value, where the hash algorithm used is the hash algorithm used in the alg Header Parameter of the ID Token's JOSE Header. For instance, if the alg is RS256, hash the refresh_token value with SHA-256, then take the left-most 128 bits and base64url encode them. The rt_hash value is a case sensitive string.
at_hashstringReturned from token endpoint. Authorization token hash value: base64url encoding of the left-most half of the hash of the octets of the ASCII representation of the access_token value, where the hash algorithm used is the hash algorithm used in the alg Header Parameter of the ID Token's JOSE Header. For instance, if the alg is RS256, hash the access_token value with SHA-256, then take the left-most 128 bits and base64url encode them. The at_hash value is a case sensitive string.

The ID token must be validated following the OIDC spec. In addition, the TPP should do the following:

Alternative 1: ID token received in redirection URI

  • Validate the authorizationId against that received earlier.
  • Validate the signature of the ID token.
  • Validate s_hash (state hash).
  • Validate c_hash (code hash).

Alternative 2: ID token in access token response body

  • Validate the authorizationId against that received earlier.
  • Validate the signature of the ID token.
  • Validate rt_hash (refresh token hash).
  • Validate at_hash (access token hash).

See the public key for validating ID token signatures.

5. Client App receives an authorization code and exchanges it for an access token

At this point the TPP is in possession of an authorization code. This must now be exchanged for an access token with a POST call of the following type:

POST /oauth/token HTTPS/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


A successful request will yield a response with the following content:

  "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiI2ZzNRRU9SY0hNOVdVZTZlcVowZi1wdjNEUEV1Y2NHVTRUdDFVMHo0cFIwIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJydF9oYXNoIj---90ZXN0X2NsaWVudCJ9.OMxF_fyVTS0af_---e9sQXEGMHW_S7bsA",
  "scope":"openid fundsconfirmations",
access_tokenstringThis is the access token. Use as a bearer token in the Authorization header to access protected resources.
refresh_tokenstringCan be used to request additional access tokens. Valid for up to 45 days (less if the authorization granted is shorter).
id_tokenstringA signed JWT containing information about the authorization. See ID tokens for a full description on the contents and recommended validation procedures for ID tokens.
scopestringA space-separated list of scope names describing the services to which the token grants authorization.
token_typestringToken type. Always has the value "bearer".
expires_innumberThe period for which the token is valid, in seconds.

Refreshing tokens

Refresh tokens may be used for requesting additional access tokens, as well as for renewing refresh tokens. They remain valid for a maximum of 45 days.

Regardless of the length of the authorization, the end user must re-authorize the Client Application if the application fails to renew the refresh token within 45 days.

Refresh requests have the following structure:

POST /oauth/token HTTPS/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The response to this request is similar to that of a normal token request.

6. TPP checks the availability of funds

TPP makes a POST call to /funds-confirmations, with the value in the request body. The response body will contain the field fundsAvailable with a simple true/false response to the confirmation request.