OP Corporate Account Verification API (1.0.2)

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OP Corporate Account Verification API enables OP corporate customers to verify their business partner's bank accounts. In some cases, it is also possible to do a name match check before initiating payments (endpoint Verify account). Before verifying the account, the receiver bank's account verification and name match checking abilities can be validated with the API (endpoint Validate data provider).


Authentication in OP Corporate Banking APIs is based on practices from OpenID Connect (OIDC) 1.0 and OAuth 2.0.

Security Considerations

It is extremely important that the client ID, client secret and client certificate private key are not exposed at any point. Together they represent the identity of the client and thereby the corporation. In the possession of an attacker they could be used to make fraudulent API calls potentially causing considerable damage.


To test the API in the sandbox environment, please send an email at corp-payment-APIs@op.fi. You will be granted a user ID and password to access OP API Admin in the sandbox environment.

Production access

You can get production access for this API on OP API Admin in production. To use these APIs in production you should replace host in the API examples below with https://api.corporate-api.op.fi/

Change log

V1.0.2 (04/2024)

  • Changed sandbox and production URLs for APIs and OP API Admin

V1.0.1 (01/2024)

V1.0 (06/2023)

Initial version

Verify account

The service verifies that the given creditor account exists and that it's able to receive incoming funds. In addition, the service also makes an attempt to verify the creditor account credibility by matching the given creditor name with the creditor account owner name (only if the data provider bank supports it, see details below).

Verification responses
The verification response depends on the verification method applied at runtimeas well as the scope of validation services provided by the data provider. The verification response is split betweenresponse parameter accountReceivability and accountCredibility.beneficiaryNameMatch indicating the beneficiary accounts ability to receive funds and its credibility to be owned by the input party.

Verification response interpretation
The service provider or OP does not take liability for the verification responses and does not provide any guarantee on the outcome of an actual transaction being sent to this account.The information provided is meant to be as accurate as possible at the time that the request was processed. The requester must pass the creditor name and the service provider can use this information as part of the verification or not.

Client user responsiblities
As a consequence of the above and other requirements, the following considerations should be taken into account:

  • The service shall be used for information purposes only in anticipation of sending payment transactions
  • OP shall not take any liability for any direct/indirect damages incurred
  • The request responses shall not be cached
header Parameters
string <uuid>

Unique identifier for a specific request. Used for debugging purposes


Bearer JWT token

Request Body schema: application/json

Verify account request

string [ 1 .. 34 ] characters

Creditor account number


Creditor bank BIC

string [ 1 .. 140 ] characters

Creditor name


Request samples

Content type
  • "creditorBic": "DEUTDEDE",
  • "creditorAccount": "string",
  • "creditorName": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "accountReceivability": 5,
  • "accountCredibility": {

Validate data provider

Validates if a bank is able to verify accounts and to do name matching. Returns all available account verification data provider banks if dataProviderBic is left empty.

header Parameters
string <uuid>

Unique identifier for a specific request. Used for debugging purposes


Bearer JWT token

Request Body schema: application/json

Validate data provider request


The BIC of the bank to be validated


Request samples

Content type
  • "dataProviderBic": "DEUTDEDE"

Response samples

Content type
  • "reason": "BRDP",
  • "dataProvider": [